Explore Routes
Explore the routes created by our team!

Epic Shop Ride
Hosted and led by Epic Bikes, this route begins at Epic Bike Shop and rides through the northside single track system. The Tuesday evening ride which follows this route with mixed pace groups is often followed by wings & beer. With faster and slower groups, you’ll find your spot on this intermediate no-drop ride, so don’t be scared to join!

Kohl's Ride
Albertson’s, Dick’s, Kohl’s, the stores always change, but the ride is the same. Led by community volunteers, riders launch down the plunging Pine Beetle trail, then crossing busy Park Ave. to the Fern commuter trail, this weekly ramble is a sport-class throw down that takes you through the challenging red clay single track of Tom Brown Park, the Cadillac system, and perhaps over the tracks to the daunting hills of Alford Greenway.

This route combines the two best trails on the Southside, Munson and Twilight. This is referred to as the outer loop as it leaves off some of the interior portions of both trails. And oh yeah, we made sure to add Luge into the mix…great little trail!