TMBA's Essential Guide for Tallahassee Mountain Biking
No gear too low or speed too slow
This ride is off-road – be sure your bike is suitable, and the tires have tread.
Make sure the tires are inflated, chain is lubed, and bike is the appropriate size.
You will ride with a group and be able to learn from others that have the same passion.
The ride leader will guide the group and a sweep will make sure no one is “dropped” e.g., left behind!
You will have fun, learn new trails, and meeting others that enjoy riding mountain bikes!
The ride is open to all; however, children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Riders understand that mountain biking comes with some risk – it isn’t a matter of “if” you fall, but “when,” no matter how experienced you are!
Don’t ride beyond your ability. If you don’t feel confident about a section of trail, dismount your bike and walk past it.
Knowing what your limits are is the best way to improve as a rider.
Ride Calendar and Cancelations
Weekly rides are available based on volunteer guide availability. Check the TMBA Facebook Page and our Events Calendar for ride and event updates!
Trailheads - Where to meet for rides
​​Fern Trail/Tom Brown
Where to go: Tom Brown Freeride Mountain Bike Parking
Take Capitol Circle NE and turn onto Easterwood Drive like you’re going to Tom Brown Park (just south of the Capitol Circle/Mahan intersection).Parking is behind the Publix Safety Complex.
Lafayette Heritage Trail Park (aka Piney Z)
Where to go: Lafayette Heritage Trail Park, 4900 Heritage Park Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32311
This is at the end of Heritage Park Blvd off of Conner Blvd. Heading east on Park Ave, it turns into Conner Blvd after Capitol Circle NE
Turn left into Heritage Park Blvd and go straight at the roundabout. The road will dead end into the park. We meet next to the bike skills area.
J.R. Alford Greenway Trail
Where to go: 2500 Pedrick Rd., Tallahassee, FL 32317
This trailhead is at the end of Pedrick Road. From Mahan Drive, head south on Pedrick. The road will dead end into the parking lot. Park in the lot on the right hand side away from the horse parking area.
Forest Meadows Park, Lake Overstreet Trails
Where to go: 4732 North Meridian Road, Tallahassee, FL 32312
Meet next to the tennis courts to the left of the building. Bring $2.00 for the iron ranger or pay online to ride in the state park
Munson Hills Off-Road Bike Trailhead
Where to go: 5140 Woodville Hwy, Tallahassee, FL 32305
Heading south on Monroe Street to Woodville Hwy. Large parking lot on the right after the Capital Circle intersection.
Apalachicola National Forest (ANF) ​​
Where to go: 6330 Crawfordville Rd., Tallahassee, FL 32310
Park behind Freebird's. ANF is directly across the street.